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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was a conflict between Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1955 to 1975. These countries were fighting about communism and divided many people including Vietnam into north and south. The North Vietnam supported communist and South Vietnam supported the US and other anti-communist countries. The US got involved because they wanted to make sure South Vietnam didn't spread communism. They wanted to make sure to keep it contained in south Vietnam. Both sides of Vietnam viewed this war as a sort of civil war and maybe even being colonized by the other side. There are many consequences we see in United States. This war cost 58,000 American deaths and 1-2 million Vietnamese deaths. The war didn't truly accomplish much and United States pulled out. This war created ciaos in America also. Many people didn't understand why we were there and many people say this is the most unliked war in our history. Many young people created protests and rallies and made sure people knew how unhappy they were about the governments decisions.

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