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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vietnam and United States Relations

Though these two governments are on good terms today this wasn't always the case. After 20 years of torn relations, President Bill Clinton announced on July 11, 1995, diplomatic relations with Vietnam once again. As this relationship grew they started opening up embassies and creating consulate generals for their countries. Their relations have become stronger with the talk of basic human rights and security measures taken in their countries. I found this interesting that the President would talk about human rights with the Vietnamese leader because there isn't any form of rights in Vietnam and maybe he was trying to help the country by pushing democracy on them but it seems like they were just discussing different topics. They now have different treaty's and trade agreements with each other and things seem to be improving dramatically. But since learning about motives of a government i quickly realized that America wasn't just doing this to be nice they had motives behind it. The United States some would say, is run by the large corporations. Before we had relations with Vietnam their economy wasn't doing so well. We abused this and now have sweatshops and many factories their because the labor is dirt cheap and we can do it. I thought it was interesting how when researching our relations no article just came out and said this, but I know that there are many factories their and that America usually has a self interest motive behind most everything they do. But overall we have a good relationship with Vietnam.

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